You have 14 calendar days from the date you received an item to return it.
We can only accept returns that are in the same condition as you received them and that are unused.
The item should be in its original packaging.
You are responsible for paying the shipping cost to return the item. The shipping cost is non-refundable.
We will notify you when we have received your returned item and then we will inspect it. We will update you within 14 calendar days regarding the decision on a refund. If a refund is approved, we will promptly initiate a refund to your original payment method.
You have 14 calendar days from the date you received an item to return it.
We can only accept returns that are in the same condition as you received them and that are unused.
The item should be in its original packaging.
You are responsible for paying the shipping cost to return the item. The shipping cost is non-refundable.
We will notify you when we have received your returned item and then we will inspect it. We will update you within 14 calendar days regarding the decision on a refund. If a refund is approved, we will promptly initiate a refund to your original payment method.